The March 2024 Quarterly Media Report
A roundup of media I experienced the first three months of 2024.
Maybe it's due to making these reports, but I've gotten better at tracking what media I enjoy. I typically add the media to my Hobonichi Cousin either the day of or the day after. I feel great that I don't need to rely on external sources as much.
Let's start with games.
A great month for games. I continued my Umineko playthrough, this time with the Chiru / Answer arc. So naturally early in January I started episode 5. I love Furudo Erika so much, she's just so terrible!
I continued to play In Stars and Time I will probably never shut up about this game, I think it's truly one of my favorites of all time, but as you may have guessed: I love timeloop stories.
There were a few days I played Moonstone Island. It's so relaxing.
I worked on Pokemon Scarlet: The Indigo Disk DLC but I did not clear it before the epilogue came out. In fact, as of writing this? I still have not cleared it. I enjoy it, I do, I just don't want it to end!
I finished Umineko episode 5. Plenty of time to spare to boot!

I also finished In Stars and Time and fell into a funk afterwards. Despite taking my time playing (you can beat it in like 10 hours, I took at least 40), I missed a lot of content. you can bet I'll replay it in the future. Fanfiction has helped soothe my grief after beating it, but I still kind of want to restart it, but I've promised myself I'd wait at least several months before doing so.
More Moonstone Island and Pokemon Scarlet but not much to report. I sort of hate how the BBQ missions in The Indigo Disk work? Like, it feels like Animal Crossing: New Horizons Nook Miles + missions. The difference is, I found most of those missions in Animal Crossing you know, enjoyable. A lot of the Blueberry Quest missions felt tedious.
This may come as a shock, but I started Umineko episode 6. It occured to me, since like me, my brother has gone through all but episode 8, and he agreed to go through episode 8 with me, I would be playing on his schedule, not mine. So I need extra time for Episode 8, plus I remember Episode 7 being extremely heavy, so I will probably take a break after I clear that one.
I've played a little of The Indigo Disk but mostly only when I need a change of pace.
Since I want to beat it before the main game comes out (next month!) I started Eiyuden Chroncle: Rising. I'm currently taking a break from it because I hyperfocused a bit too much, but I'm confident I'll beat it before the main game comes out.
And of course, Stardew Valley: Version 1.6 Came out this month. I am thrilled. I am loving the new content. I elected to try out the new farm type that comes with chickens. It's great! No my character has not drunk any mayo. I can neither confirm or deny that I will marry Shane like I have every other file. I'm hoping eventually in a future patch there will be an ability to expand your silo instead of building, like, a million of them.
Things I'd Like to Work on (Game-wise)
My brother really wants me to return to playing Xenoblade Chronicles and I had planned on doing that this quarter. I just... didn't.
Of course next month I'll start Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes after beating Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. I'll keep on track with Umineko Chiru. I promise nothing, but I'll try to get back to Xenoblade Chronicles, I Was A Teenage Exocolonist and I have a copy of Dragon Quest XI with my name on it, so I should give it a try.
The 9th Wayward Children novella ( Mislaid in Parts Half-Known) came out, and I was excited about it as usual, though I did not tear through it like I usually do.
I finished Pride and Prejudice which I had started last year. I've read it before, but I feel I got more out of this time.
I started a reread of the Song of the Lioness Quartet. The ebook version I have has afterwords by Tamora Pierce from 2014, and they're interesting reads (though I'd love to hear her thoughts in 2024). I get frustrated with narratives (either with Queer characters or Gender Non-conforming Characters) where everything girly is bad, so I really appreciate that part of Alanna's character arc is learning Girly Things are not bad. Maybe I'm just sensitive to it as a Nonbinary person with a lot of “Girly” hobbies (relating to fiber arts).
This is the month I actually finished the Wayward Children Novella.
I read Ngozi Ukazu and Mad Rupert's Graphic Novel Bunt!. It's solid. You should get it. Maybe I should just make “Queer Sports Narratives” a thing I specifically seek out.
My hold on the final volume of I Think Our Son is Gay came in. It's a very nice manga.
I've been reading less this month. The main thing I want to shout is the Victorian WLW romance Don't Want You Like A Best Friend.
Things I'd Like to Work on (Reading-Wise)
It's nearly time to start spring cleaning. I want to reorganize my comics and manga. One of my shelves broke earlier in the year. Not like in a “haha you bought too many books” way, I mean, it was the same amount of books on the bookshelf and if anything it was missing books that it usually had, and it just.... collapsed. I was devastated.
As I've said previously I want to finish Babel. I've gotten a bit farther in it.
I've also been reading more literary works, I think I needed a change of pace, and sometimes I enjoy a book I can really chew on in a spinach sense (no canned spinach though).
Miscellaneous Media
I'm still years upon years behind, but I've started getting into Welcome to Nightvale. I've gotten back into The Magnus Archives as well. I know in theory you can listen to The Magnus Protocol without prior knowledge but I want to save it for now.
In celebration for the new series (and the fact this is just, you know, good) my brother and I have been watching the old X-Men cartoon. Enjoying it.
Early in January I watched all of Pokemon Concierge. It's adorable, I love claymation. I can't wait for the next season, but I also know not to get attached because Netflix is allergic to giving anything I like a 3rd season.
We started watching Pokemon Horizons when it premiered in the US. It's so cute so far, and affirms I was correct to choose Fuecoco as my starter.
And of course, our Thursday ritual has become to watch Delicious in Dungeon / Dungeon Meshi while eating supper. It's so good. I'm watching it in Japanese right now (because in most cases my brother prefers to listen to the original Voice track if it's available) but at some point I'm going to rewatch listening to the English dub, because the clips I've heard so far are Wonderful.
Things I'd Like to Work on (In General)
I'd love to list lots of goals here, but sadly I've been having health problems that take away time from a lot of things. I've been doing physical therapy for a few months now, and I am making gradual progress, but it's frustratingly slow.