The December 2024 Quarterly Media Report
A Quarterly Review, with a few changes.

This comes with a couple changes. I thought it might work better reflection-wise if I write these after that quarter is over. Also I added a goals (in general) section at the bottom.
Okay so: Gourdlets is adorable. It's a cute, pixel town sim you build for little gourd people, and you can decorate however you like.
I like Rune Factory 5 on PC but… there are some things about the UI that work better on Switch (for example it thinks I am controlling it via Keyboard and Mouse so there are some things I cannot do like team attacks, because I literally do not know which buttons to press to do that). Regardless, it's fun and soothing.
Vampire Therapist is one I'm savoring every bit of.
EarthBound Beginnings if I recall correctly I spent every bit of playtime in October grinding Pippi's level up so I could grind Ninten's level up because he is a wuss compared to Pippi. I'm not even dunking on the asthma weakness, I just mean it is a shame you cannot take Pippi on the adventure because she has really good stat growth that rapidly outpaces Ninten, and presumably other characters.
In Hades II I cleared the new area added after the patch. A certain really cool “annoyance” was taken out of the fight with Chronos, which I was a bit sad about because while annoying it was a cool touch, but I understand the importance of removing it. Hopefully there will be something that lets me add that back in.
Stitch. is a soothing game end of story.
Moonstone Island is something I'm obsessing over less lately, I suspect I just burnt out on it.
Towards the end of the month got some Umineko Chiru episode 8 in. It turns out when you have to coordinate schedules to go through something together it gets harder to do.
I Started Slay the Princess since that new version came out. I plan on getting back to it, there just hasn't been a good time.
In Vampire Therapist I think I've reached the point where I have all the clients I can for the time being.
In Rune Factory 5 I finally got the SEED crest I wanted: the one that lets you find hidden stuff without party members. I was thrilled!
I played a little Hades II, mostly about trying the new weapon Xinth. Didn't really progress any plots or subplots this month.
Fields of Mistria had an update, though I didn't actually get to the new event until December.
I got back to Animal Crossing. I suspect if you chart when I play this game, you could have a pretty good case of proving I have Seasonal Affective Disorder and / or I need a medication change.
There was a bit of Umineko though around this point it became clear that due to our slow pace (and the fact we'd lose the second half of December to family visits) that we were not clearing Ep 8 on my schedule.
If you're wondering, in Fields of Mistria I chose Reina to be my date for the festival. I like most of the candidates, though I don't want to date Valen or Juniper because I want them to get together.
A smidge more Umineko Chiru. Did not beat it. Not really a surprise.
I decided to get Doraemon Dorayaki Shop Story, a Kairosoft game. I had played a decent amount of Kairosoft games when I first got a smart phone. I turn this on every so often to relax.
Rune Factory 5 was basically a therapy game for me in December. A very stressful month, and say what you will about RF5 (I get the impression most people thought 4 was better) it is a very fun game to farm in.
Things I'd Like to Work on (Game-wise)
I'd like to finish Umineko ep 8 sooner or later. I'm aware there's some sort of fan disc, so who knows how “done” with Umineko I will be after I get through the next 10-14 hours of story.
I plan on playing a lot more Visual Novels, kinetic or otherwise. I'm still going to prioritize beating Umineko Chiru of course, but at the same time, since that is based on when my brother and I are both available to play it, I may as well play other VNs on my own time.
I really want to get back to Ciel noSurge but I've been prioritizing Umineko time. Don't forget about me, Ion!
I should probably actually beat XenoBlade Chronicles I in 2025. I am enjoying the game, but I feel like maybe my brother thinks that I'm “Savoring” it too much.
Things I'm looking forward to (Game-wise)
This probably goes without saying, but the Suikoden I & II HD version (that hopefully fixes all the problems the original US versions of those had). I heard that Konami is re-translating the games, which makes me happy if true. If nothing else, maybe that cinema in the first game where everyone's dialogue if off by one text box because a contextual note accidentally got inserted as dialogue will be fixed. I'm also hoping they fix the bugs the original, JP or otherwise, had in the fight with Luca (there is someone who has a patch for this, if the HD version is dogshit and I go back to emulating it, I am definitely using that patch); did you know in the original he will never attack your back row? That's definitely not intended.
I have been ignoring Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes (partially for Farming and Hades II) but I'm looking forward to the DLC packs coming out.
Also though I do not need more cozy games I am absolutely looking forward to Hello Kitty Island Adventure coming out at the end of January. It looks like it fills the Animal Crossing niche but possibly better? Also the character “Big Challenges” is in it, you know: the unused cartoon gator character that the internet has latched on to. That feels like reason enough to get it!
I read Katzenjammer by Francesca Zappia. It's a nice book, I personally prefer Eliza and Her Monsters but that's more preference than feeling this book is bad.
I read Shoestring Theory by Mariana Costa. Premise: The world has basically ended, the Protagonist is basically an accessory to it, but he's going to go back in time to fix things…. by killing his husband. I very much enjoyed this book and I wish I could force everyonet to read it
So, I read The Pairing by Casey McQuiston. This is probably McQuiston's best work yet, but I will warn anyone who wants to read it but hasn't read the description beyond “Exes on European Wine and Food tour”— this book is extremely horny and spicy. If you cannot handle “Bi 4 Bi exes having a competition about who can bang the most people during the European Food and Wine tour”: pick a different book. Also don't read while hungry unless you have a Boulangerie nearby or something.
This month was mostly rereads, I won't bore y'all with the details.
I did a few athletic memoirs, because I enjoy them, and also sometimes they motivate me to push myself. YMMV. I think this started over a decade ago when I got really into learning about Everest and Mountaineering. Even if I was physically capable I would never climb Everest though. The industry around it really bothers me. I know it's not the world's most dangerous mountain but people do not give that mountain the respect it deserves.
I read The Spellshop by Sarah Beth Durst. I think this counts as Romantasy, but it's basically cozy fantasy that deals with trauma around a revolution. Also illegal spell-casting while running a Jam shop. Easily a 5 star read.
More rereads, mostly due to stress.
I Started and finished The Heir by Kiera Cass. I got one more book to go in this series but I haven't had a chance to read it.
On a whim I checked out The Secret to Superhuman Strength by Alison Bechdel. May not be a shock, but did you know Bechdel makes really good comics?
On a whim I checked out This Fatal Kiss by Alicia Jasinska. It's a PolyAm YA fantasy novel that I believe (I returned the book I cannot check) is based on Eastern European Folktales. The only problem I had with this book is I'm near positive there is supposed to be a sequel, but no sequel has been announced and I want MORE I need this book to be successful!
Things I'd Like to Work on (Reading-Wise)
To start with I'd like to give House of Leaves another chance. Even if I'm kind of a baby about horror I love Metafiction and such.
For Christmas I got copies of Emily Wilson's translations of The Iliad and The Odyssey and Sophus Helle's translation of The Epic of Gilgamesh. I did do some classics in high school (in the sense that I am familiar with all three of these, not that I can recall every detail), though back then there were no gay translations of The Iliad at least in English. I have also been recommended a translation of Beowulf by Maria Dahvana Headley. I haven't read Beowulf, I'd like to give it a try, and I hear nothing but praise for this one.
I'm not saying I will do nothing but read Ancient books (especially since I still am learning to like poetry) but I at least want to give these a try.
Things I'm looking forward to (Reading-Wise)
I don't know if this counts as a “looking forward” as it's already out, but Seanan McGuire's 10th book / novella in the Wayward Children series came out earlier this month ( Adrift in Currents Clean and Clear ). Due mostly to ECT scheduling I have not had a chance to read it, but I am definitely excited to read it / have my heart broken.
I am absolutely looking forward to TJ Alexander's A Gentleman's Gentleman. I love queer regency romance in general, but basically I squeal with glee whenever someone writes a trans one.
Miscellaneous Media
I got to enjoy some of The Amazing Digital Circus in October, specifically episode 3. I love this show, though it's definitely unlike anything I've ver watched before.
I listened to a wee bit of The Magnus Archives, namely Season 1 episodes 36 and 37,
We got back into watching Gravity Falls. I think we finished the first season but I'm having some ECT brain issues regarding that.
Remnants the audio drama / podcast by Eira Major as always broke my heart.
There's this podcast I like, Shelterwood. Sadly I got really behind in it after October.
Someone on Mastodon introduced me to the music doujin circle sEa-PuLsE. The first thing I graved was their concept album: Levorgelna Ep 1. I really like concept albums but I get the impression that's unusual for most people.
I got the chance to watch Werner Herzog's Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979) as part of Monsterdon. I had ear issues at the time and couldn't hear the best, but I want to rewatch it. And then maybe watch it in German.
I tried the premiere episode of The Holmwood Foundation. I like the concept, I'm glad it got funded but I didn't have the money to support it.
After I fell in love with Eira Major's Remnants audio drama, I started listening to previous work, like Clockwork Bird.
Since Remnants was on break, I was taking part in the official relisten (that basically begs you to get a red-string board). The problem is that show is depressing and I could not keep up with the default pace. I'll definitely relisten and take more notes, but at my own pace.
In November I finished Clockwork Bird. I think it's pretty good for a first attempt at an audio drama, not that I'm at like, conniseur levels yet.
So of course the next thing I did was continuing going through Eira Major's back catalogue so in November I started Spirit Box Radio.
I got a wonderful opportunity. I watched Labyrinth. I really like it, to the point where I may order a DVD of it (there's a 100 dollar special edition but I don't think I can justify That purchase). Anyway if he were still alive I would hire David Bowie for baby-sitting, that movie showed me he's great at it.
I am finally becoming culture. We sat down and watched the first episode of The Muppet Show
I was having a hankering for Lady Gaga (I was quite into the Fame and the Fame Monster in late high school early college. So I asked someone who listens to far more pop music than I do where to go from there. I was recommend the Born This Way album. It's great.
We tried out Ranma ½. It's solid. If I recall correctly, we had the first volume of Ranma ½ (which probably planted some seeds of Gender in me lol) in what I think must have been the late 90s early 00s. It was flipped so it was left to right. It clearly left an imprint on me. If it matters I was watching in Japanese (though you'll see I tried the dub later). I think it's neat they used the original cast.
By this point you must understand: unless there is some reason that Remnants is not airing, or there's some stuff going on when I want to listen to it (can't exactly go for a drive listening to this tear-jerker you know?) that I listen every. week.
We got back into Pokemon Horizons. Still decent.
I saw Vinland Saga was available on Netflix, so I made my brother watch some. I hope to watch some every so often. It's a brutal show but I really like the way it handles violence and pacifism in what I've read of the manga.
It was bandcamp Friday, so early in the morning I bought myself some albums. I haven't listened to all of them yet (as I need alone time to listen to music, and I did not get a lot of that this month), but of the sEa-PuLsE ones I bought, I have to say I quite like this doujin music circle. I'm beginning to think all they publish are concept albums and I'm okay with that.
I was Hashtag BLESSED with more of the Amazing Digital Circus this month. This episode really spoke to me. It definitely necessitates a re-watch, but that's not an immediate goal.
When my Dad was in town for the holidays, we tried out Ranma ½ this time in dub form. Dub's good, he seemed to like it.
We also had my dad try Dungeon Meshi in which I basically had to explain “Yes the title IS 'Delicious in Dungeon' but I have literally never heard anyone use that title for it.” Anyway, dub good. I came up with an idea for an AU fanfic that I don't feel qualified to write, but if no one else writes it I'll have to, right? Anyway, it's just percolating right now.
My dad wanted to watch some Gravity Falls so we rewatched some of the early episodes.
Since I saw Muppet Christmas Carol for the first time in 2023, I decided to make it a tradition. One important thing to note if you are watching it on Disney Plus: Go into the extras drop down and get the full uncut version. They cut out a few scenes and a song, but I think it ruins some of the potency of the story by taking it out.
We got to rewatch Labyrinth (because my dad hadn't seen it). Yes I think this is probably a sign I should buy the DVD. This was also on Christmas Day. Probably a weird choice but I don't care.
I was told to watch Duck the Halls (a few days after Christmas, we just didn't have time for this on Christmas, see part about Labyrinth.) This is an unhinged, bonkers movie, I unreservedly recommend watching it. I will probably add it to our Christmas traditions.
And I fit in some Spirit Box Radio in the time I had to myself. I was hoping to finish Season 2 before the end of the year, but it didn't happen.
Once my Dad finished his vacation with us, we started getting back into a semblance of a Normal Routine (Speaking from the future here: I am still not back to normal yet. It's taking forever to get that Normal Routine). So we fit in a bit of Pokemon Indigo League: I don't believe I had seen this episode, where Team Rocket becomes stylists and seem to be going straight, but in a gay way; also Brock gets Vulpix this episode.
While browsing Netflix one day, I Started Mob Psycho 100. Not very far in yet, but it's quite nice. This is not a critique but it's kind of jarring. Like the first couple episodes are hilarious, then it takes a REALLY dark turn. It might be something where we only watch it if we're in good spirits.
Things I'd Like to Work on (Miscellaneous)
One of my goals was to finish Season 1 of The Magnus Archives. I did not. Hopefully early next year.
I'd also like to get back to Shelterwood
And I do want to finish Spirit Box Radio, finished season 2 a few days ago. So taking a small break from that.
Things I'm looking forward to (Miscellaneous)
The Re: Dracula people are releasing the Carmilla miniseries starting February 14. I'm excited.
Things I'd Like to Work on (Goal-Setting)
As this is my round-up and I can introduce new aspects to it if I want to, I've been thinking setting a quarterly goal might be a good idea.
Besides getting back into my routine properly (and practicing Spanish more often) there's a couple things I want to do this Quarter— aside from some physical / mental health stuff I want to keep to myself for the time being.
1- Work on learning American Sign Language.
2- Improve my handwriting. I love writing by hand, but it often hurts, partially because I grip the pen too hard. Most cursive methods are made to make writing easier and less painful. So I think working on that every so often would be a good idea.
3- Read one of those translated epics.
4- Read more Visual Novels (and maybe give thoughts about them?)
Hopefully I will see actual progress on that by the end of March!